This is the breakfast we had this morning. Once again me and Stephanie had raisin bran but this time Daniel had rice crispies.

This is me and Laura making pie. I made a Coconut cream pie and Laura made a Lemon Mirange pie.

This is me painting the sky of my painting that I made at Gran and Pa's

This is Gran showing me what to do as I get confused.

This is me finishing of the gate of my snowy painting.

This is Laura Painting her fantastic painting which is so good I envy how good hers is.

This is us eating burgers and hotdogs but not together some of us had a hotdog and some of us had a burger.

This is us having a fizzy drink or 'pop' as they say.

This is us eating more ice-cream after a long bike ride.

This is me, Daniel and Stephanie playing in the park.

This is me after some coconut cream pie and yes you guessed even more ice-cream.
Hi mum and Boaty Grandad I see there has been some competition between you to as to what happened to Pa, your ideas were terrific, however I am afraid to announce that Pa was simply trying to fix the lights and unfortunately his arm got stuck. Sorry to spoil the fun but that is all that happened.
I put out the breakfast last night so they can make their own without waking me up. That didn't save us any time today, because only Daniel was up before me, and he hadn't had breakfast yet.
I dropped Jasmin at Gran and Pa's while I took Stephanie and Daniel to their hockey practice. I think making pies and paintings was more fun for Jasmin than sitting in a cold arena for two hours.
After hockey, I picked up Jasmin and the bikes and off we went for our Toronto waterfront bike ride. As you can see by this map, our round trip was about 18 kilometers with very few hills. We were against the wind on the return, and it was a bit too much for Stephanie.
We got to Gran and Pa's for dinner around 4:30 and had some nice chicken and mashed potatoes. (Apart from the potatoes, I don't much care for vegitables.) Jasmin had pie and ICE CREAM after dinner.
Jasmin has finished her laundry, and we are doing most of the packing this evening and tomorrow morning before going to Pioneer Village.
Hi Jazz
I'm up late watching the marathon but it's all a bit dull now as Paula Radciffe is way behind the leaders
Rex is the new head of house and therefore not eligible for nominations this week - grrrrrrr
I note that you mention Laura's fantastic picture but then omit to show us a close up of it - I have made the picture big and agree it is a truly fantastic painting. There is no need to feel jealous though as yours is brilliant too. You have really captured that snowy scene well.
I note that the caption competition is over but that you have not declared a winner. They do say that truth is stranger than fiction but in this case they are wrong. You will notice that grandad entered twice which is blatantly against the rules whichhmd I have just made up and that I am therefore the winner with my wildly innacurate and yet highly imaginative entry - I thank you.
Looking forward to seeing you in two sleeps time - try to sleep on the plane as you will need to try to stay up when you get back.
love you
Hello Jazz
Once more todays news is dominated by food: Raisin Bran, coconut cream pie, hotdogs, burgers, pop, chicken and mashed potatoes. You do look quite ill in the last picture, but maybe thats because you made the coconut cream pie yourself. Did you check the date on the coconuts? Do all Canadians go on about food all the time? I can imagine the news in a crisis:
'The prime minister condemns the invasion by Luxemburg but assures the nation that the supply of cinnebuns and funnel cakes is not in danger. His statement came during a working lunch. Pressured for news, he added "Gronf, swoffle, burp". Reporters noticed that his dinner jacket had bits of dinner all over it. Our food reporter, Lotte Calleriz, said, between mouthfuls, etc etc.'
I agree with your mum about the painting. Yours is very good indeed. Furthermore, I have used special techniques to blow up Laura's picture, and have detected little numbers which correspond to those in the paint tray. Talking of cheating, your mum is wrong to say I entered twice for the 'Why Pa got his hand stuck behind the couch' competition. I logged on as Bernadet for the second one. I mean it was Bernadet, not me. Well alright, I own up. Stef wins, but at least I didn't wait up all night to watch Paula 'Brentford' Radcliffe come in a miserable 23rd. Why do all these athletic women look like ironing boards? They probably run flat out.
Anyhoo, Holland is still ahead of Canada in the Limpics, because we've got more medals ('meddools' in Fenspeak). And why are you all so obsessed with Big Brother? There is enough going on at home. I myself am fighting to avoid eviction.
By the way, I see a picture of you, Stephanie and Daniel standing on a wooden hamburger with a huge spring underneath. Having seen what happened to the rockets, I would be very careful when Doug asks you to stand on something like that, especially if he has a little box with a button on the end of a wire!
Thanks again Jazz, and all you Blackmore tribe for this super blog.
We love you
Jasmin, I read your Grandad's entry about how Pa got stuck behind the couch to Gran, Pa, Laura, and Christina and we laughed till we cried!
We stayed to watch the end of the women's marathon, then the men's 1500 swim (a Canadian won a bronze!) before leaving Gran and Pa's.
Have fun at the pioneer village.
Morning Jazz,
Important news is that Liverpool beat Sunderland 1 v 0. Also, just to prove that miracles do still happen Brentford won 4 v 0.
I too think your painting is lovely. I'm very impressed that you cycle 18 kilometers. You must be very fit.
I went for a drink with Grace and her fella Unjum last night. So my head is a bit foggy this morning. It might be the chocolate cake I made. The recipe said to soak cherries in rum for six hour...I accidently misread the recipe and used too much rum... it's very alcoholic. Jules had three pieces and said she felt drunk. Canada does seem to be cake country. Do you think mistreated cakes seek aylum there?
Have you been watching the olympics ? I didn't watch the maathon but the mens 100 metres final was amazing. I can't watch big brother anymore cos Rex makes me too angry.
Anyway have fun and see you soon.
all my love Dad
Dear Jazz,
I also sympathize with Stephanie on the marathon bike ride. I hate cycling into the wind, even in a country where the highest mountain is 28 feet. Bernadet has an electric bike. It look just like a normal bike, but there is a small but powerful motor in the front wheel hub. You have to pedal, but you can set it to 25, 50, or 75% 'assist'. It is great to see the astonishment as I, an aging and decrepit being, pass strong men in rippling skin-tight spandex with technicolour walnuts on thier heads. While passing, I have one hand on the handlebars, while the other stifles a yawn. They are selling like hot funnel cakes in Holland, and after one hour of charge, you can ride for 50 miles. It is quicker for Bernadet to cycle to work than to go by car because of all the traffic. And it saves a bit of the planet, which fact I am sure meets your approval.
Tell Laura I didn't really mean she was cheating by using a 'painting by numbers' strategy. It was obviously one of those 'magic painting' books I used to have as a kid. You just paint with water and the chemicals in the paper turn to colours. You don't even have to keep within the lines, because they aren't there at all. Tell Laura I was just kidding and not to take me seriously. Nobody else does. Not even me.
See you soon
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