This is us at the park as we stopped for a rest.

This is us on our bikes.

This is us eating Fish and Chips which made me feel at home.

After we had finished flying the rockets Daniel told us to pile on him but of course this was a big mistake as Stephanie didn't want to get off.

This is me about to launch Mecury a rocket they made before and then this is Big Bertha blasting off.

This is mine after it flew but it is supposed to look like that.

This is mine blasting off into the sky.

This is my rocket called Thoikol on the launch pad.

These are all of the rockets we made but some are ones that they made before.

This the horseshoe falls and you can also see two gorges.

This the Niagara falls from a sort of birds eye view.

This is the two falls as you can see the horseshoe Falls and the American Falls.

This is the Niagara falls which if you look closely in the steam you can see a rainbow as near it is the rainbow bridge.

This is a view from the aeroplane which in the distance you can see Toronto.

This is the inside of the plane we flew.

This is me at the Brampton Flying club which we finally got to see Niagara Falls.
This blog site does not handle large video files very well. If you want to see Jasmin launch her rockets, I have uploaded a 50 second (80 MB) video to my own website. I'll leave it there for a few days, then it will be gone. Click on this link now to get the video: http://www.aviatorsmusic.com/downloads/rockets.avi
This was a big day.
It was our 5th attempt at Niagara Falls, and the third attempt actually flying. The previous 4 attempts failed due to poor weather. Toronto weather has been very unsettled during the entire vacation, and the coming few days will be no exception. We were very lucky to have success on our 7AM flight today. By the time we returned to the airport, we could see cloud advancing from the north that would have prevented an attempt later in the day.
Those clouds were fairly low, at 2500 feet above the ground. Fortunately this is high enough to allow us to fly rockets. We use the lowest-powered recommended engine in each rocket, which produces the least altitude. This keeps the rockets out of the clouds, with the added advantage that the kids don't have to run so far to retrieve them. (Of course *I* didn't have to run anywhere!)
On the way from the car to the launch pad, Jasmin's rocket started falling apart. This was due to the construction material with which the rocket was made. Had I known how much plastic was used in the kit, I never would have purchased it. (Wood and paper are much easier to assemble. They are also more durable in a model rocket as they withstand greater impact forces.) In one of the photos, you can see the cellophane tape we used to secure the fins. (I had no glue with me at the field.)
After the fish-and-chips, we came home for some pie that we got from Downey's farm. I had cherry pie and the kids had blueberry. We then went for a bike ride and more slushies. Jasmin didn't puke, but I was ready with the camera just in case.
Daniel's drum lesson was canceled this evening, so the three of us played "DS" and "Brick Breaker" while waiting for Stephanie's singing lesson to finish. When we got home, all were exhausted, but Jasmin still managed to get her blogwork done.
Here is the current plan:
Wed - Wild Water Kingdom
Thu - Wasaga Beach
Fri - Ontario Science Centre
Sat - Hockey practice; Toronto waterfront bike ride
Sun - Pioneer Village; depart for England
Hi Jazz - wow that was five days rolled into one by the sound of it. Those photos are fantastic and really give you a sense of the scale of the Falls. when I went to Niagara I thought they were so beautiful and huge that I almost couldn't beleive in them - do you know what I mean? I'm so pleased that you got to fly over them in the end - it looks like it was worth all the early starts.
I agree that Daniel made a bit of an error there - I expect Stephanie was looking for revenge for the super wedgy.
i'm glad there was no puke after the fish and chips, pie, slushy and bike ride - Grandad may feel otherwise as he was looking forward to it. Oh well I expect he'll have some more tips for you later.
The other day you asked about Aiden. I mentioned that Aiden came to stay over on Saturday night. He woke me at 6.30am the nxt morning to say that his little dog Pippin had run away - he was vey upset so I had to get up and help look for Pippin who was hiding in Nana's wardrobe. I have to say I was a bit miffed as Pippin is his IMAGINARY doggy friend. Pippin continued to get lost all day and was very naughty on the bus.
Have a great day at the Wild Water Kingdom - love you loads - Mum xxxxxx
Dear Jazz,
This just gets better and better! The photos from the falls are truly awesome. I have used one of them for my computer background. And the rockets! Unbelievable! I have saved the movie and put it on Youtube - I hope you all don''t mind. I was afraid of this treasure being lost. Doctor Who has nothing on this! You can find it at
The quality may not be as good as the original, but that I will also save for you in case Doug has to move it from his site. I will also post a link on our Blog. Looking back on what you have done and what you are still going to experience, it seems that this trip has been superbly organised around you. If I were looking for a trip to Canada for a teenager, went to a travel bureau and found this blog with its photos in the form of a brochure, then I would send the teenager to Butlin's and go myself instead. I bet your friends are green with envy. I cannot tell you enough how much we value this blog. News from Canada is the first think I check out before CNN or the BBC.
Love to all, and say a big thankyou to your loving and generous hosts.
Jasmin, those pictures of Niagara Falls are awesome! What a great way to see the falls. I tried to see the rocket video but I could only hear the sounds so I will try again on a newer computer. So glad to hear you are having so many amazing adventures.
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