Thursday, 14 August 2008

13th Day In Canada

Many of you complained that I didn't show this photo so here it is, this is Pa with his arm stuck behind a couch.

This is us starting the day with some cereal. Me and Stephanie had Raisin Bran and Daniel had Frosted Flakes.

This us shopping for a picnic. Ooh, so many things to choose from.

This is us making a sea turtle but the sun got in my eyes so it made me look blind in this photo.

This is us in the pool and if you look at Daniel it looks like he's about to creep up and scare us.

This is us eating Lunch me and Stephanie had mini cold uncooked pizza whilst Daniel had Nacho's with a nice cheese sauce.

This is us sitting next to Daniel's fort which he was very concerned about when we went and sat near it.

This is Sara taking loads of pictures of us plaing about and getting very sandy.

This is me burying Stephanie as she complained that she was dying a painful death.

This is the pond we made but it soon turned into a mud bath/footspa.

This is us getting splashed by the waves.

This is us having Ben and Jerry's ice-cream. Me and Daniel had cookie dough and Stephanie had some berry sorbet.

This is me and Daniel sticking our head in the board and then me and Stephanie.

Then we had funnel cakes with icing sugar......

....Then even more ice-cream.

These are some of the tacky souvenire shops that I tried to find something for a very special person to give to another very unlucky person.


Doug said...

NOTICE: I hope everyone realizes you can get a larger version of each picture by clicking on it.

Doug said...

We had loads of fun today. Sara joined us after lunch and took some pictures, which I hope we get to see in another post. The beach itself is kept very "commercial-free", while the downtown portion of Wasaga Beach is host to some very tacky shops and tattoo/piercing shops.

Stef's Stuff said...

how lovely to see some sunshine - it's horrid and wet here!!!!!

Ahem ... if you are still thinking of a worthy recipient of that tat ... er lovely present ... do please spare a thought for your Uncle Cris who is a world renowned collector of such fine objects and has a birthday coming up and is owed revenge for the Great Pockets Full of Bark Incident at Camber Sands and who I will be seeing the weekend after you get back. revenge is a dish best eaten cold - unlike pizza.

talking of food - you're blog always makes me hungry but i will have to make do with a peanut butter sandwich.

love you so much Jazz


Doug said...

We forgot to mention: that beach is Wasaga Beach, the world's longest fresh-water beach. It is on the south shore of Georgian Bay on Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes.

Spike said...

Dear Jazz,
Another great photo series. At last the picture of Doug's Dad and the couch. But how did he get his hand stuck? How about a competition for the most unlikely explanation. My entry is that he was showing how he almost won a gold medal in the high-jump, but underestimated the landing area for the demo.
I always start the day with plain old cornflakes, but I could murder that tasty looking Raisin Bran. Would that make me a cereal killer? Groan. I see you all went shopping for a picnic. Did you find one? Your mum will kill me for saying this, but you can never go hungry on the beach because of all the sand-which is there. Even bigger groan. My dad told me that in about 1908 and I didn't understand it either. I do notice that many of the pictures you put in your blog involve consuming vast quantities of food; cold mini uncooked pizza, ice-cream, cinnabuns, funnel-cakes with icing-sugar, ice-cream, cookie-dough, ice-cream, fish-and-chips, milk-shakes, ice-cream, berry-sorbet, hamburgers, chicken-wings, ice-cream, blue-berry tart, slushies, raisin bran and even more ice-cream. I'm surprised the plane got off the ground and that you didn't sink the canoe. I'm not sure what Daniel is eating, but he certainly looks big and manly. Really quite nacho. But everything is bigger in Canada; in the picture where Daniel is creeping up to scare you, you say 'this is us in the pool'. Pool? I can't see the other side of this 'pool' because it is over the horizon. The lakes must be like oceans if this is a pool!
It is lovely to see Sara in the photos, the more the better.
'This is me burying Stephanie as she complained that she was dying a painful death'. I'm not surprised with a Canadian flag stuck right through her tummy!. But ice-cream and funnel-cakes seem to have cured her! Looks like you are having a super time, and very sweet of you to share it with us all. By the way, I saw the video of that slide in the water-park! That is very, very steep! Tending quite seriously towards the vertical.

Have a lovely time at the Ontario Science Centre!

Love you


Stef's Stuff said...

Sara has put some photos on her facebook - there is also a link to them on mine
i think you have to be my friend to see them but that's ok - you can all be my friends.

ok my entry for the caption competition is that Jasmin, deprived of dr who for a week, smuggled in a dvd and Pa was so scared of the daleks that he tried to hide behind the sofa quite forgetting to move it first. thank goodness that there was a caring son standing by with a camera :) - what do I win?

Bernadet said...

Dear Jazz,

We cannot get into the facebook.
I have tried everything. Could you please ask Auntie Sara to post some pictures here?. It's a lot easier for everyone and keeps your blog intact.

Love Granddad.

Stef's Stuff said...

Dad you can't get into my facebook because you haven't let me be your friend even though i asked you to be very nicely the day before yesterday - sara has you as a friend so if you go to hers you will see them there. While you're there look for her friend Stef Bridges - click on that and ask to be her friend - if you ask very nicely and apologetically she might let you - the link to the album on sara's facebook is you are her friend already so shouldn't have a problem - not that I'm bitter

I'm not sure if sara can get into the blog from home

Jasmin have you noticed that sometimes grandad is spike and sometimes he is bernadet - makes me think now - do we ever see them in the same room at the same time - hmmmmmmm

we are one hour away from eviction - will it be Stu-pid or chickpea rachel - I will let you know

Stef's Stuff said...

suspense over - it was stu-pid - I'm pleased - everyone seems to have it in for Rachel because she's too NICE. Well I mean to say - i inderstand she is training to be a teacher and what sort of example will that be for the children - going around being NICE.

Much better to be like Dale who is a PE teacher and says he hates kids (all PE teachers hate kids btw and that is why they take a job in which they are allowed to torture children my making them do cross country runs)

I expect Rex and/or Nicole to be up next week as they are horrid bullies

jenny said...

Hi Jaz, you are going to have to do some serious fruit and veggie eating sometime. What on earth is funnel cake? It looked lovely but what kind of a name is that!
You certainly aren't spending your holiday watching tellie and playing computer games, Its nice you can spend time with your cousins and get to know then better. Perhaps they will come to london sometime, 2012 would be good. I am tired staying up late and getting up early to watch the Beijing Olympics. Large ladies lifting huge weights and tiny ones cycling 75 miles at incrediable speeds. I tell you, its exhausting.
Have a good day tomorrow. love Grandma Jenny