This is is me, Daniel and Stephanie messing about as we waited for Laura to come.

This is Stephanie after going down the kiddie slide but later we found out she could go on any of the slides as she just over the minimun height you had to be.

This is Laura on a slide but this wasn't the scariest one the scariest one was called the Cliff which just goes straight down at a verticle angle but after you slide on it you have to sort out your swimming costume as you get a massive wedgie going down it.

This is me going down the same slide as Laura which was quite fun.

This is Daniel going down the corkscrew which sort of twists and turns and you are actually supposed to lie down but Daniel was being a rebel and sat up.

This is me coming out of the Midnight Express which is so cool as you sit in an inflatable ring and you go down a slide in the dark. The best way to go down this slide is backwards as you can't see where your going or what you are doing.

This all of us but unfortunately Doug couldn't get in as he was taking the picture. In this picture if you look close enough I think Daniels lips are blue and Stephanie's hugging up to Sarah as she is so cold.

This is me wearing my souvenire T-shirt and my soaking wet hair.

This is me looking at my new Canadian moose in a very cute red jumper with a maple leaf on the back of it.
Here is a 111 MB video of Jasmin and Daniel going down a very high very steep waterslide. http://www.aviatorsmusic.com/downloads/slides.avi
Sara was there today and took a load of pictures. Hopefully Jasmin can post some of them when she stays at Sara's tomorrow night.
It rained in the morning. This had the advantage of keeping the crowds away, but Stephanie got pretty cold. Eventually she warmed up enough to try the big slide too.
After the waterpark we had dinner at "Montana's", where Jasmin learned the difference between "rare" and "medium" steak. This was followed by a visit with my parents, during which my father got stuck behind the couch! I rescued him, but not before taking a picture of his predicament. Jasmin wouldn't let me post the picture.
It was fun going to Wild Water Kingdom with you today! I am glad you like the moose.
wow another exciting day - although I think you should have put up a picture of the highlight - Pa getting stuck behind the sofa!
I'm going to take a look at the videos when i go into work today to submit my fantasy football team (I know I never learn but am going for the world record - coming last in four consecutive years )- any ideas for a name?
Hi to Laura and Cyndie - I feel like we're meeting lots of lovely new-to-us family members
Dear Jazz,
Such a pity that it rained on the day that you went swimming. I hope you didn't get too wet. There is a pool near us where you swim through a tunnel to go to the outside pool. I heard a woman say that she wasn't going to stay out here to get soaked, and swam back inside. Those slides look great. Daniel going down the Corkscrew! Cool! There is a water park in holland with a slide where they spray a mist in the tunnel and then project images on it with a laser or something. You come round a corner at a trillion miles an hour, the friction on your bum turning the water to steam behind you, and then you are faced with what appears to be a solid brick wall, a mass of barbed wire, giant razor blades or a shark's mouth. There is also one where you are ejected into a huge funnel, the sort you use to put oil in cars, only 50 feet across. You go round and round until you fall out of the tube at the bottom. My favorite is one where you go into the tunnel and then it is a vertical drop until it goes horizontal at the bottom. It is called, appropriately, the 'torpedo'. I don't mind any of these scary slides, but there is no way that I would let myself float around in one of those rubber rings as Stephanie is doing in the photo. It makes my stomach go all queazy just to look at that picture. That midnight express thingy where you go down backwards in the dark, without knowing where you are going or what you are doing reminds me of something, but I can't remember what. Oh yes, I remember now. It reminds me of my life. As far as the difference between medium and rare steak goes, I would say that in current financial situation all steak is extremely rare. I ate a chocolate mousse instead.
Your mum is looking for a name for a fantasy football team that is likely to lose four years in a row. Let me think about that one for a second. I know! How about "Brentford".
Have fun at the Wasaga Beach!
Love you all
P.S. We DEMAND to see the picture of Doug's dad stuck behind the couch!
Hi Jazz
I've got a quiet moment at work, so I thought I'd tell you some stuff that's been happening in Big Brother. Firstly you might have heard that Luke and Becks got together after they were evicted from the house, but did you know that they got married in Las Vegas!!! Isn't that mad?! Don't know how long it will last, but they look like they're having fun anyway.
Stuart and Rachel are up for eviction this week. Stuart really wants to leave so he can see his daughter, but I think Rachel will get evicted. She such a sweet person, I really like her, but I think she annoyed the housemates by trying too hard to be nice and to be fair with everyone. Also lots of people think Stuart's really cute so I don't think they'll vote him out. Not sure about his black nail varnish though...
So the most horrible person is Rex, and he's been even worse since his girlfriend came into the house. He's always criticising everyone and trying to undermine them, and going on at people about what's wrong with them, when really the only thing wrong with them is that they have to live in the same house as Rex! His girlfriend Nicole is quite nice, but let's Rex push her around and tell her what to do too much, so she just goes along with anything he says. I think the only reason he hasn't been nominated is because he cooks a lot of the food. Darnell is losing it a bit because he has completely fallen for Sarah. Unfortunately she doesn't fancy him, though, and he mostly follows her around now and does whatever she tell him!
Mikey is getting really funny. He shaved off all his hair for one of the tasks (so did Darnell) and also got made head of house, and now he's going around ordering everyone around and throwing water on them if they fall asleep during the day. Good thing he doesn't see me asleep at my desk at work.
That's all I can think of for now. Hope you're still having a great time - your uncle and cousins seem lovely!
Hi Jasmin,
I called my Mom last night to find out how my Dad got stuck behind the couch and I don't think he would mind if it was posted.
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